Oxygen Short

Our Mission:

Build environmental resiliency.


About Us

Oxygen Short, Inc. is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 organization committed to empowering individuals to become climate champions and take collective action to address pressing environmental issues. Through digital storytelling, activist training programs, and impact campaigns, we aim to create a more sustainable and just world for all. 


Our Campaigns

The Oxygen project

The Oxygen Project launched in 2013 as Oxygen Short’s breakout campaign. It began as a grassroots initiative to bring awareness to oxygen-producing ecosystems, but has evolved into a global movement where we use the power of media, storytelling and education to inform, empower, and unite the world in the wake of a changing climate. Learn more >

Stop Deep-sea mining

Early in 2020, Oxygen Short unveiled its second campaign to rally support against deep sea mining.

Deep sea mining is a controversial new industry that will likely devastate the last untouched frontier on the planet - the deep sea. Right now, private companies and governments are gearing up to bulldoze the ocean floor, harming fragile and rare habitats and wildlife, in order to extract metals and minerals for batteries. 

As citizens concerned about the future of our planet, we ask you to support a moratorium on seabed mining so we can learn more about its potential impact on deep-sea ecosystems. Learn more >
